Forum Q&A with Joan Warner

This week we’re going to do something a little different with the Forum. The CEO of Commercial Radio Australia, Joan Warner, has kindly agreed to answer radioinfo’s subscribers’ questions. Where’s radio heading? How’s the new campaign going? What about digital? Are we ever going to lose the diary system? How hard is it to keep the peace between Radio’s warring tribes? Will Peter Berner host the Radio Awards again this year?

This is your chance to ask Joan about the big issues facing Commercial Radio and how they might affect you.

Just post your questions here as usual and Joan will post her answers at regular intervals throughout the week.

Not a subscriber? Strictly speaking, only paid subscribers can contribute posts on the Forum. But since this is our first week, we’ll make an exception. So, if you’re not a paid subscriber, but you’re really keen to quiz Joan, then send us your question in an email to [email protected] and we’ll post it for you.