Are all listeners liars?

The program people at dmg, Dean Buchanan, Dan Bradley and the now semi-retired Paul Thompson had almost 100 years of programming experience between them when they decided on the format for vega before its launch less than five years ago. Leaving little to chance, they relied heavily on research – a complex amalgam of focus groups, attitudinal studies and questionnaires – all seeking one simple answer, “What do you want to hear on a new radio station?”

Respondents told them clearly that they wanted a very broad variety of music including lots of album tracks as well as some serious talk. And the programmers at dmg gave it to them in spades. Yet, they did not come. Why not?

Why does there seem to be such a disconnect between what the research says and what happens in real life?

And while we’re at it, what do you think of the new Classic Rock brand?

Be on the record now so that whatever happens down the tack, you can prove that you told us so.

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