What would Dr Frasier Crane know about Radio? Just ask Kelsey Grammer

Every year the good folk at CRA grapple with the weighty issue of who to invite as keynote speaker to the annual Radio Conference and Awards. Over the years, they have delivered some of the highest profile celebrities on the planet, including John Cleese, Sir Michael Parkinson, Sir Bob Geldof, Clive James, Barry Humphries, Harry Shearer, Nigel Lythgoe, Buzz Aldrin and Imran Khan. While that list is impressive, the real problem has been finding people with more than a tenuous connection to Radio. Most have listened to Radio and even have relatives who own one. Others have actually worked in Radio, before hitting the big time in movies or television. As a consequence, while these speakers have been entertaining, few have been able to produce any useful insights about Radio to a room full of hardened broadcast professionals. This year’s choice, actor, producer, director, Kelsey Grammer, is another big scalp on the CRA totem pole, as far as big names are concerned. It also adds a new twist to the guest’s Radio credentials – in his television show Frasier, Mr Grammer plays the role of a radio talk show host, psychiatrist, Dr Frasier Crane. That should count for something.

In his address to the conference, Mr Grammer will speak on the Power of Speech. Isn’t that almost like talking on the power of Radio?

In any case, with a slew of prestigious awards to his name (Emmys and Golden Globes included) as well as his own successful production company, Mr Grammer is certainly highly accomplished on both sides of the camera as well as the front office. He must have something worthwhile to say … if only we’d ask some worthwhile questions.

So, what would you ask Kelsey Grammer if you got the chance? Perhaps if we put a list of good questions to him beforehand, we’ll get some good answers on the day.