Things get nasty between 2Day and Nova breakfast shows

If it’s for real, then we doubt that there has ever been a nastier, more personal stoush between rival announcers, than the one that burst onto the airwaves this week between Austereo’s Kyle Sandilands and dmg’s Merrick Watts – Kyle admitting that they just don’t get along. It really got vicious when Kyle planted a wedge between the members of the Nova breakfast crew by suggesting to Kate that the two boys were bagging her behind her back. But that’s enough of our pontificating, the only way for you to truly appreciate the veracity of these events is to play the audio from both Nova and 2Day so that you can be the judge.
Original Kyle research comments
Nova pay back comments

2Day’s rebuttal of Merrick

Kyle rings Merrick and Rosso on air

First question: Is this fair dinkum?

Second question: Who is the winner in all this?

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