ABC uses blunt instrument to axe Radio National programs

Who would’ve thought that, as a news story, the axing of the Religion Report on Radio National would have such legs? Would there be as much public outcry had Austereo axed Hamish and Andy? And if Hamish and Andy had said (other than in jest) what Stephen Crittenden said about his employer, would they have just been suspended or summarily dismissed? It may not make you rich, but in uncertain times like these, for many, it must be a more attractive proposition to work in Aunty’s relatively safe and ample bosom than in commercial radio.

Whereas colleagues past and present can voice their disapproval of the treatment ABC management has meted out to Crittenden with relative impunity, 2UE’s Mike Carlton was booted off the Herald by his Fairfax bosses for not wishing to break a picket line in support of his union brothers and sisters – who were not sacked. Such is the culture of commercial entities that none of Carlton’s colleagues dare to speak up on his behalf, even though many are privately sympathetic to his position.

What say you, gentle reader on any number of aspects of this story? Is RN right to axe the swag of specialist programs they announced last week? Was Stephen Crittenden right, brave or foolhardy to voice his opinion on air? Should ABC management enjoy autonomy closer to that of their commercial rivals?

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