Commercial radio gets heckled

The ever popular Heckler column in the SMH the other day took a swipe at Commercial Radio. Difficult to imagine how or why, yet its author, Sean Woodland started “gently” by writing, “Last week I was involuntarily exposed to commercial radio for the first time in many years. Afterwards, I decided I would sooner voluntarily expose myself to the Ebola virus than tune in again. Wallowing in a pool of sheep’s brains while listening to a child learning to play the violin would be a more satisfying experience, and may also have a less damaging long-term impact on my psychology.” Then he got nasty. Read the whole blog.

So what do you think? Has the Heckler got a point? Could, as he suggests, a child learning to play the violin be a viable alternative to The Cage? Or the more that stations try to sound different, do they end up sounding the same?

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