Old air-checks? Industry History. Your industry needs you

When researching recent stories on the 40th Anniversary of Talkback Radio and the longest on air breakfast teams, the first thing that became apparent is how little archival material exists and how disjointed the records are. So its time for your help. Do you know the longest serving breakfast team or solo announcer in Australian Radio? How long were they on air? Did anyone last longer? And who really started talkback? What was the first program?

Do you agree with our two main sources Wayne Mac, author of Don’t Touch That Dial and The NFSA (National Film and Sound Archive)?

Mac complained that getting historic material from stations was often like getting David Hicks out of Guantanamo Bay. Meanwhile The NFSA, the nation’s official keeper of our electronic cultural heritage no less, had even less material than Mac! Doesn’t anybody who loves Radio besides Wayne Mac, The NFSA’s Nick Weare and radioinfo see this as a tragedy?

Let’s see if radioinfo readers can contribute to the collective history of this industry. Your comments, arguments and rememberences will be passed on to the NFSa for posterity.

If you have a comment to make about audio that’s been lost or can point us in the direction of what could be found, then here’s the place to do it.

As usual, you are under no obligation to stick to this topic. You may use this forum to express any view you like, provided it has something to do with radio and provides no grounds for litigation.

To read or post, just click the blue title link above. If you’re a non-subscriber, or you would like to post anonymously, you can send your post in an email to [email protected].