Your Views On Anything To Do With Radio

Its another big news week for Radio.

Triple M in Adelaide has just launched its new format ahead of DMG introducing its new licence. What do you think of the new Triple M sound and will Nova Adelaide do better?

And how much would you pay at auction for 3AK?

You can still also comment on the digital trials being opened to Broadcast Australia and World Audio, which could signal that the ABA intends to allow other players an equal footing on the digital band thus diluting licence values for CRA members.

What do you think of dmg’s new station, HOT 91.1 on the Sunshine Coast – is The Heat right? Should competitors stick to the knitting or have a go against the new player. Sea FM Gold Coast got a fowl response for their chicken promotion – should they have done that?

Your thoughts on the ratings or any radio events this week are welcome.

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